When women give birth the perineum (the area between the vaginal opening and back passage)
sometimes tears or it may be necessary to have an episiotomy (surgical cut) to increase the size of
the outlet. Episiotomies and tears that involve the muscle layer (second degree) need to be stitched.
A higher mean pain score was observed among the participant group which underwent interrupted
suturing method than the group which underwent continuous suturing method. Majority of the
participant who required analgesics for episiotomy pain were from the study group which
underwent interrupted suturing method (z=1.3:p=0.193). Infections and antibiotic treatment were
more common among the group who underwent continuous suturing (z=1.7:p=0.098). Wound
dehisions were also frequently noted among the continuous suturing group (z=1.4:p=0.149). At
the end of the three months of observation period more superficial dyspareunia (z=0.6:p= 0.534)
and granuloma formation (z=1.2:p=0.246) were recorded among the group with interrupted
sutures. When overall satisfaction was considered, most of the participants were included into the
group who underwent continuous sutures. Continuous suturing technique can be used as a more
cost effective technique for episiotomy suturing. Making awareness among labor room working
staff and providing hand skill training for the staff members regarding continues suturing
techniques appears to be more beneficial.
Morbidity associated with childbirth may
affect women’s physical, psychological, and
social well-being, both in the immediate and
long-term postnatal period(1). Perineal discomfort may disrupt breastfeeding, family
life, and sexual relations(2)(3).
Complications depend on the severity of
perineal trauma and on the effectiveness of
treatment. The type of suturing material, the
skill of the operator, and the technique of
repair are the 3 main factors that influence the
outcome of perineal repair(4). The use of a
rapidly absorbed form of polyglactin for
repair of perineal trauma is associated with a
significant reduction in pain and a reduction
in suture removal when compared with
standard absorbable synthetic material(5).
Practitioners who are appropriately trained
are more likely to provide a consistently high
standard of perineal repair(6).
When women give birth the perineum (the
area between the vaginal opening and back
passage) sometimes tears or it may be
necessary to have an episiotomy (surgical
cut) to increase the size of the outlet(7).
Episiotomies and tears that involve the
muscle layer (second degree) need to be
stitched(8,9). In the Sri Lanka alone,
approximately 800 women per day will
experience perineal stitches following
vaginal birth and millions more
worldwide(10). A midwife or doctor will
stitch the episiotomy or second degree tear in three layers (vagina, perineal muscle and
skin). Traditionally the vagina is stitched
using a continuous locking stitch and the
perineal muscles and skin are repaired using
approximately three or four individual
stitches, each needing to be knotted
separately to prevent them from
dislodging(11). Researchers have been
suggesting for more than 70 years that the
'continuous non‐locking stitching method' is
better than 'traditional interrupted
Mothers who underwent normal vaginal
delivery at the maternity unit of Colombo
north teaching hospital Sri Lanka, were
selected for the study. Pregnant mothers were
randomly included in to two groups securing
allocation concealment. Sequally numbered
sealed opaque envelops method was used for
this procedure and study sample included 160
study participants. It included 82 participants
for continuous suturing and 78 for interrupted
suturing. Randomized controlled trial design
was used and a follow up period of three
months was allocated for the study.
Participants who were unable to complete the
total follow up period were not included for
analysis.Primigravidae mothers who had completed
37 weeks of POA were included into the
study. Singleton pregnancy and cephalic
presentation were considered as inclusion
criteria. Pregnant mothers were exposed to
and ultrasound scan before selection and only
mothers with a pregnancy of 2.5 kg to 3.5 kg
estimated birth weight were included into the
study. Pregnancies complicated with
antenatal medical conditions were excluded
from the study. Mothers who required
instrumental assistance during delivery and
mothers who required many other methods to
stop heavy post-partum bleeding except
episiotomy suturing were not followed up for
outcome measures.
A significant difference was not identified
between age, BMI, POA and the birth weight
of the delivered babies among selected
participants (Table 1). A higher mean pain
score was observed among the participant group which underwent interrupted suturing
method than the group which underwent
continuous suturing method (Figure 1).
Majority of the participant who required
analgesics for episiotomy pain were from the
study group which underwent interrupted
suturing method (z=1.3:p=0.193). Infections
and antibiotic treatment were more common
among the group who underwent continuous
suturing (z=1.7:p=0.098). Wound dehisions
were also frequently noted among the
continuous suturing group (z =1.4: p = 0.14).
At the end of the three months of observation
period more superficial dyspareunia
(z=0.6:p= 0.534) and granuloma
formation (z=1.2:p=0.246) were recorded
among the group with interrupted sutures.
When overall satisfaction was considered,
most of the participants were included into
the group who underwent continuous sutures
When short term outcome is considered
highest effectiveness is demonstrated by the
continuous suturing technique. During this
procedure patient experiences minimum
amount of pain. It is essential to have the
mother more comfortable, in order to provide
proper care to the new born and continue
breast feeding orderly and adequately.
Therefore it is more beneficial to use a less
painful method for post natal comfortability.
Also when a less painful method is used need
for analgesics is reduced and avoiding the
adverse effects of these analgesics is another
But during the long term observation period
it was noted that there is a higher tendency of
infections with the continuous suturing
technique. Therefore it is essential to pay
more attention on wound care when continuous suturing technique is used. On the
other hand, study findings demonstrate that
continuous suturing is not as stable as
interrupted suturing. However during this
study, application of sutures was done by a
single person and it was not practical to asses
his/her suturing techniques before
commencing the study. It is possible to
expect interrupted studying to persist longer
with more strength than continuous suturing.
However, study findings demonstrate that
presence of dyspareunia and development of
granuloma are more common with
interrupted suturing. Study participants
included into the study did not demonstrate a
significant different in their age, BMI, POA
and body weight. Therefore it is possible to
expect minimum confounding effect in the
study finding therefore it is observed that,
continuous suturing technique is more
beneficial to the patients and majority of the participants prefer continuous suturing
techniques. Prolonged time taken to apply the
continuous suturing techniques is identified
as the most common obstacle to practice this
technique more frequently. It is not
practicable to use this technique with the
heavy work load at the Sri Lankan labour
room set up as well. However recruiting well
trained individuals for this procedure could
be useful to overcome the obstacle more
Continuous suturing technique can be used as
a more cost effective technique for
episiotomy suturing. Making awareness
among labor room working staff and
providing hand skill training for the staff
members regarding continues suturing
techniques appears to be more beneficial.
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